Saturday, 25 May 2013

No 49. - Cuba - It's Cubi-on Sandwich!

Unless it’s a rant about Eurovision you want (of which I have much to rant about, none of which is anything you don’t already know (funny eyebrows, dubstep), nor has anything to do with food or Cuba) this post is about a bloody big cheese and ham sandwich (and mojoitos).

The Cuban Sandwich 

I actually bought all the meat and cheese for this is a Polish deli. I just pointed to things and was too embarrassed to correct the girl when she picked up the wrong thing and gave me the wrong quantity (200g of ham not 300g). We’ve all been there. Pure raging. What I made is thus (loosely) based on a Cuban sandwich. The bread is a (good) French baguette.

I’m sure you can do much better. 

Loaf of Cuban bread
300g swiss cheese 
300g sliced pork
200g ham
pickles and mustard

1.  Make a sandwich. Best recipe ever.

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