Saturday, 29 September 2012

No. 43 - Congo - Smokin' Hot Salmon and Bitchin' Bread

Here is a very brief and lets face it uncharacteristic geography lesson on the two Congo's that I Culinised together. The Congo's, of which there are two; the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Congo are both named after the river (you guessed it) Congo that runs between them. They are as tragic as they are beautiful (so I hear) and are in fact completely distinct and different countries.

But. They are both called Congo. So. I'm painting them with the same brush and cooking the two Congo's with one stone.

Not that it matters much anyway considering what I cooked is fundamentally and not remotely Congolese, Democratic or otherwise. I read somewhere that Congolese people enjoy eating smoked fish and freshly baked bread. Don't we all. Give me an inch and well, I ended up with "Congolese" hot smoked salmon and soda bread. Hmm.

"Congolese" Hot Smoked Salmon

I left the salmon in the salt way to long and it was seriously, seriously salty. Not in a good way. But you won't do that. Five minutes should be fine. Not forty five. I served the salmon with a little tomato salsa, potato salad and of course the soda bread. For once there were no complains that dessert was bread and jam.

You will obviously need a smoker for this. You could also make one out of an old biscuit tin/bread bin and some chicken wire or something to that affect. Get creative and go all blue peter on that shit.

Serves 4

4 salmon fillets or any firm fleshed fish fillets
sea salt
some oak chips (ingredient? I don't know)

Cover the salmon fillets liberally in sea salt and leave for 5 minutes. Remove the salt and set aside. Season with pepper.

Throw a handful of oak dust in the centre of your hot smoker, lay the fish on whatever wire rack you've got/made and pop the lid on. Put the smoker on a flame. Any flame will do, barbecue, fire or gas ring. Leave for approximately 15 minutes after the oak has began to smoke. That's it. Hot smoked salmon.

"Congolese" Soda Bread (Bitch Please)

500g plain flour
2 tsp bread soda
1 tsp salt
500g carton of natural yogurt or buttermilk
splash of milk if needed.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees celsius. In a bowl mix the flour, bread soda and salt. Make a well in the centre and pour in the yogurt. Gradually incorporate the flour and yogurt until you have soft, wet dough. You may need to add a little milk. Tip the dough out onto a floured surface and lightly knead for a minute. Shape into a smooth ball and pop onto a well floured baking tray. Cut a deep cross into the dough with a floured knife. Bake for 40-45 minutes. Serve warm with lashings and lashings of cold butter. 

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